Pi1541 Raspberry Pi Hat with LCD Display for use with Commodore 64
Fully Assembled including 3D printed case.
Pi1541 is a floppy-emulator for Commodore 64 which provide excellent compatibility. This unit attaches to a Raspberry Pi 3 and then you connect it to your Commodore 64 or 128 machine.
You can navigate your games and programs using the LCD display and the buttons on the unit.
You can find details and download the latest version of the Pi1541 software from the link below.
3D Printable case can be found here
This sale is for the Pi1541 Hat attachment only.
You will need to supply
A Commodore 64 (or similiar)
A 6-pin serial cable
A Raspberry Pi minimum version 3B, with a power adapter and a microSD-card.
Unit is based on option B from the site for options file needs to be set as follows
splitIEClines = 1
SoundOnGPIO = 1
SoundOnGPIODuration = 1000 // Length of buzz in micro seconds
SoundOnGPIOFreq = 1200 // Frequency of buzz in Hz
LCDName = ssd1306_128x64
i2cBusMaster = 1 //SDA - pin 3 SCL - pin 5