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RGB2HDMI to suit Amiga 500 OCS ECS Chipset **RGB to HDMI**

RGB to HDMI adapter board V2

for ECS / OCS Commodore Amiga 500 / 500+

This small board designed by c0pperdragon
(see https://github.com/c0pperdragon/Amiga-Digital-Video)
and based on the OpenSource RGB2HDMI project
(see https://github.com/hoglet67/RGBtoHDMI)
uses a Raspberry Pi Zero to add a pixel-perfect HDMI output compatible with virtually all modern TVs and Monitors to the Amiga 500 / 500+ machines.
(or other Amigas eg A2000 / A1000* with socketed DIP-48 Denise video chips).

This version of the board (V2) is compatible with the original OCS Denise (8362) and also with the ECS Super-Denise (8373) typically found in the A500+ machines. There is a jumper on the underside of the board to select which version of the chip is being used.

Boards come with options push button to allow you to access the settings menu.

Please note that the you will need to supply your own Raspberry Pi Zero, SDCARD and mini HDMI cable

Please message me if you have questions

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